뉴스코리아취재기자 모집 News Reporter

뉴스코리아취재기자 모집

자격조건 : 4년제 대학 이상 졸업자
★ 체류신분 변경 가능합니다 ★
■ 구비서류 : 이력서 & 자기소개서
■ 지원방법 : admin@newskorea.com
■ 문의 : 972-247-9111

News Korea Texas, Inc.

Job Title
News Reporter

Job Type
Full-time & Part-time

Job Requirements
Bachelor's Degree; an advanced degree in journalism,  public policy, communication, or equivalent experience is preferred
Career Level
Entry Level
Ability to produce news, feature articles and photography
Positive attitude and ability to work well within a team environment
Previous experience in the news companies or comparable experience a plus.
Fluency in both Korean and English; Must be able to speak and write the Korean Language

The ideal candidate has good communication, organization, interviewing and computer skills.

We support H-1Visa

Please send me your resume if interested in the position. Also feel free to ask me any questions that you have. Thank you.

■ How to apply: admin@newskorea.com

■ Contact: 972-247-9111 or admin@newskorea.com
