한미은행이 새로운 도약의 기지개를 펴고 있다. 지난해 UCB를 합병한 후 텍사스 지역에서 한인은행으로서는 가장 큰 예금 보유고와 지점망을 갖춘 ‘커뮤니티’ 은행으로서의 임무를 십분 활용하기 위해 달라스 지역 5개 지점, 휴스턴 3개 지점, 어스틴 1개 지점 등 총 9개 지점에서의 변화와 재충전의 시간을 마치고 본격적인 활동에 들어섰다. 그 중 눈에 띄는 변화는 한인 중심 지역인 달라스와 캐롤턴 지점에 한인 여성 지점장을 새롭게 맞이하는 승부수를 던진 것.
최근 달라스 지점장에 린 유(Lynn Yoo) 전 캐롤턴 지점장을 영입했고, 캐롤턴 지점장에는 박인숙 전 갈랜드 지점장을 영입했다. 이런 ‘교차’ 지점장 영입에는 한미은행이 노리는 ‘신의 한수’가 담겨있었다. 두 지점장을 만나 이에 대한 대화를 나눴다.
<인터뷰_이준열 편집국장>
은행계 베테랑, 최적의 인물들로 재배치
두 지점장 모두 은행계에서는 ‘베테랑’이자 ‘고수’가 분명했다.
유: 저는 2007년부터 지점장 일을 맡았어요. 이전에 메트로 뱅크에서도 12년 정도 근무했어요. 잠깐 다른 일을 한 적도 있었지만 역시 은행 일이 천직이구나를 깨닫고 다시 돌아왔어요. 올해 3월에 캐롤턴 지점을 맡았었고 달라스 지점장은 지난달 시작했습니다.
박: 저도 은행 경력 20년이 다 됩니다. UCB 갈랜드 본점에서 텔러로 시작해서 2004년 지점장이 될 때까지 은행일로 잔뼈가 굵었죠. 캐롤턴 지점장은 10월 26일부터 맡았어요.
이런 베테랑들이 한인 커뮤니티라 할 수 있는 달라스와 캐롤턴 지점장으로 전격 영입된데는 확고한 이유가 있었다.
유: 한마디로 각 지역에 가장 맞는 최적의 인물로 재배치했다고 보면 됩니다. 사실 달라스 5개 지점 지점장이 이번에 다 이동이 있었어요. 달라스는 이전에 한인이 아닌 분이 지점장이었는데 저를 이번에 임명한 것은 한인 고객에 대한 특별한 임무가 주어졌다고 해석하면 될 것 같아요. 특히 저는 해리하인즈 지역 타 은행에서 10여년의 경험이 있기 때문에 그 특화성을 살릴 수 있는 인물로 본 것 같아요.
박: 저도 그렇게 의미를 찾고 있습니다. 캐롤턴은 한인 커뮤티니로서의 잠재력이 큰 곳에 위치한 지점이기 때문에 제가 그간 쌓은 경험과 경륜을 발휘해서 제 2의 도약을 하는 캐롤턴 지점이 되도록 하라는 임무가 주어진 것 같습니다.
이미 자신들에게 주어진 특임에 대한 파악과 준비가 끝난 상태의 두 지점장들, 그들에게는 임무 수행을 위한 구체적인 복안도 마련돼 있었다.
유: 실제적으로 제가 이전에 근무했던 은행은 중국 은행으로서 인도, 파키스탄 등의 타민족 고객층이 기존 UCB보다 넓었어요. 그 고객층을 이제 저를 통해 한미은행에 흡수할 수 있는 기반을 마련해줬다고 볼 수 있죠. 구체적으로 달라스에 론센터가 마련된 것도 전략적인 변화입니다. 한 곳에서 모든 은행업무를 할 수 있게 한다는 편리한 서비스를 갖춘 셈이죠.
한미은행은 한인 고객 대출 담당인 고창오 부행장을 영입해 론센터를 통해 한인 고객들이 융자나 예금에서 ‘원스톱’ 서비스를 받을 수 있게 했다. 이전에 한인 고객 중에는 커머셜 융자든, 사업 융자든, 또는 예금이든 복잡한 사항들 때문에 당혹스러워하기도 했지만 한미은행의 론센터는 이런 고충을 해결하고 고객 1인마다 일대일 맞춤형 서비스를 제공할 기반을 마련한 것이다.
이에 대해 은행 문턱을 낮췄다는 표현을 박 지점장은 썼다.
박: 은행이라는 곳이 고객분들이 와서 차도 함께 마시고, 사업적 고민도 서로 상담하고 그러면서 마치 이웃과 같은 장소가 됐으면 하는 바람을 갖고 있습니다. 제가 타 아시안 고객이 많은 편인 갈랜드 지점에서 한인 고객이 많은 캐롤턴 지점으로 발령난 것은 그만큼 한인 고객들에게 ‘신경쓰는 지점’이 되라는 뜻일 것입니다. 무엇보다 서비스에 있어서 차별화된 친절함을 발휘해볼 계획입니다. 앉아서 기다리는 게 아니라 고객을 직접 찾아가 서비스를 베푸는 자세를 갖고자 합니다.
새로운 지점장 개념 설립, ‘엄마’와 같은 역할
한미은행은 합병의 과정을 거치는 동안에 약간의 정체기가 있었다. 전 UCB가 한인에 의해 설립된 은행이었지만 한인 고객에 대한 접근에 있어서 정체 상태에 빠져있었던 것도 사실. 따라서 합병을 통해 새롭게 시작하는 과정에 대한 준비 기간이 짧지만은 않았다. 텍사스 전체 담당 부행장 영입, 새 로고 마련 및 간판 설치, 지점장 임명 등 활발한 물밑 작업을 벌였고 이제 준비가 완료된 상태에서 도약 출발선에 서있게 됐고 그 첫 주자의 역할을 두 여성 지점장이 맡게 된 것이다. 그 때문일까. 지점장이란 역할론에서도 새로운 정립이 이뤄지고 있었다.
유: 지점장은 ‘관계성’에 근거를 둔 역할이 필요하다고 봅니다. 커뮤니티 은행을 책임지고 있기 때문에 관계를 통해, 기반을 넓혀가며 고객 확대를 꾀해야 한다는 것입니다. 사실 이제 한인 트랜드가 1세대에 이어 1.5세대나 2세대들이 자기 사업을 하거나 부모에게 물려받은 사업을 하기도 하는 추세입니다. 그들에게도 접근할 때 이곳에서 오래 살아 언어적 장벽이 없는 저 같은 지점장이 도움이 되는 건 분명하죠. 언어로는 문제 없으면서 같은 한인으로서 문화적 이해는 교감할 수 있어서 오히려 더 편하게 대할 수 있다는 것입니다. 그러면서도 1세대 한인 고객분들에게 세대 차이를 느끼지 않게끔 도와줄 수도 있는 ‘양방향’ 서비스가 가능하다는 것이죠. 어떤 면에서 여성 지점장으로서 고객분들에게 ‘엄마’와 같은 역할이 될 수 있다고 봅니다. 렌더나 남성 직원 분들이 ‘아빠’와 같은 역할이라면 저희 여성 지점장은 고객의 마음을 편하고 따뜻하게 해주는 그런 역할을 추가적으로 할 수 있다는 것이죠.
박: 저도 같은 생각입니다. 실제 얼마전 한인 노부부가 은행에 오셨는데, 제가 직접 맞이해서 커피를 드리고 대화도 하면서 도와드렸더니 너무 흡족해 하시면서 “이 은행 잘 되겠어”라고 덕담을 주시고 가셔서 크게 격려가 됐던 적이 있었어요. 제 모토는 ‘끝까지 도와드리자’입니다. 모든 은행 관련 일에서 한인 고객 분이 만족하고, 다 이해하고 또 누릴 수 있을 때까지 옆에 앉아서, 또 찾아가서라도 도와드리자는 것입니다. 물론 은행 측에서 담당자가 따로 있어서 그들이 전화로 도와드리긴 하지만, 그래도 한인인 지점장이 직접 찾아가서 도와드리면 편하게 느끼고 고마워하는 한인 고객분이 많습니다.
두 지점장은 자신들의 역할이 한미은행이 갖고 있는 모든 편리함과 상품 및 정보를 가장 효과적으로 서비스할 수 있는 위치라는 점을 재강조한다. 이미 은행마다 온라인 뱅크와 모바일 뱅킹 서비스가 상용화됐는데도 아직 이를 온전하게 사용하지 못하고 있는 한인 고객도 없지 않은 편. 이에 대해 적극적인 홍보와 교육을 베풀어 고객의 편의를 극대화하겠다는 점도 두 지점장이 특별히 신경쓰는 부분이다. 이를 위해 직원들에게 적극적인 교육과 훈련을 시키고 있다는 점도 강조한다.
한인과 타민족 아시안 고객을 향한 견인차 역할
두 지점장에게는 또 다른 임무도 주어졌다. 한인 고객 외에도 타민족 아시안 고객 확대에도 신경써야 하는 막중한 임무다. 이를 위한 각오와 복안도 마련돼 있었다.
유: 달라스 지점은 현재 80%가 한인 고객이고 20% 정도는 타민족 아시안 고객입니다. 인도, 파키스탄, 중국 고객들이 주를 이룹니다. 그래서 저희 지점 렌더로 인도 분이 있습니다. 그러나 중요한 건 이제는 타민족 고객들에게도 찾아가는 자세를 가져야 한다는 것입니다. 이전에는 그들이 은행을 찾아오는 분위기였는데 이제는 상황이 그렇지 않은거죠. 저희도 적극적으로 그들을 향해 어프로치할 계획이고, 기존 타민족 고객에게는 새로운 프로모션을 소개하는 등 적극적인 자세로 다가갈 계획입니다.
박: 타민족 아시안 고객이 많던 갈랜드 지점에 있을 때는 주로 마케팅 없이 실내 근무를 하는 편이었습니다. 그러나 캐롤턴 지역에서는 제가 직접 마케팅을 겸한 ‘찾아다니는’ 서비스를 실천하려는 각오입니다. 아직 캐롤턴 지점 고객은 한인이 90%를 이루는 상황이지만 점차 타민족 고객을 향한 아웃리치도 확대할 계획입니다. 그만큼 한인 커뮤니티의 위상과 또 한인 은행의 자존심을 전하는 면도 있기에 ‘있는 힘을 다해’ 노력할 예정입니다.
에너지와 각오가 넘치는 여성 지점장들의 ‘화이팅’은 텍사스 한미은행의 견인차가 될 것을 예고하는 듯 했다. 함께 하는 경력 많은 직원들도 같은 자세와 마음가짐이라고 두 지점장은 덧붙인다. 두 지점장은 이런 진정성 넘치는 노력을 지켜봐주길 한인 커뮤니티에 당부했다.
유: 한미은행은 이미 LA 등에서 큰 은행입니다. 사실 그런 점 때문에 이곳 달라스 한미은행도 도움을 받는 점이 있습니다. 타 주에서 온 분들이 ‘한미은행이니까 믿을만 하다’며 저희를 찾아오시기도 합니다. 한미은행의 기존 저력과 신뢰성에 대해 인정해 주시는 것이죠. 저희도 그런 신뢰와 명성에 금이 안 가게 더욱 노력할 것입니다. 믿고 찾아와 주셔도 좋다는 말씀을 드릴 수 있는 이유입니다.
박: 한미은행 텍사스 리전은 기지개를 펴는 시기라고 볼 수 있습니다. 움추렸다 더 멀리 뛰려고 준비하는 시간이었던 것이죠. 이제 그 도약이 저희 지점들을 통해 구체화될 것입니다. 제가 약속드리는 건 한번 저희와 거래를 하면 평생 함께 하고 싶다는 마음이 들 때까지 친절과 정직한 서비스로 고객들에게 다가가겠다는 것입니다. 역시 한미은행과 하길 잘했다는 말씀들이 지역 한인 어른들에게서, 또 차세대 한인들과 타민족 고객들에게서 나올 수 있게 모든 노력을 다할 예정입니다.
한미은행은 새 로고를 통해 ‘연결’ ‘협력’ ‘발전’을 형상화했다고 발표한 바 있다. 고객들과 함께 성장하고 발전하는 미래를 지향한다는 것. 마치 다리처럼 양 축을 이은 형상의 로고였다. 그 형상처럼 한인 타운을 잇는 양대 지점에 두 여성 한인 지점장이 서있다. 이 두 지점장으로 인해 더 높이 승천하는 한미은행이 구현되는 날이 올 것이다.
Hanmi Bank is taking off to a new fresh start!
Hanmi Bank is taking off to a new fresh start!
And the two Korean women are in the lead to make that change happen!
Interview with Lynn Yoo (Dallas branch manager) and Insook Park (Carrollton branch manager)
“Discussion about the future of the Hanmi Bank with two veterans of finance/banking.
Hanmi Bank is about to kickoff its new start. Last year, they merged with UCB and became the largest Korean bank (largest deposit reserves and the largest branch network) in Texas. To optimally serve their customers as one of the largest “community” banks in Texas, they have reevaluated and rejuvenated their 5 branches in Dallas, 3 branches in Houston, and 1 in Austin (total of 9 branches) and ready to go full-scale. One of the big changes include allocating two Korean branch managers in Dallas and Carrollton where Korean population continues to flourish.
Recently, Lynn Yoo (former branch manager of Carrollton location) was reassigned as Dallas branch manager; Insook Park (former branch manager of Garland location) was reassigned as Carrollton branch manager. There must be a reason behind this “cross-reassignment” of branch managers. This is the interview with the two Korean branch managers regarding the changes and improvements of Hanmi Bank.
“Veterans” of banking, reassigned to perform at their most optimal level.
It was certain that both of the managers were “veterans” and experts of the banking.
Yoo: I have been a branch manager since 2007. Previously, I have worked at Metro Bank for 12 years as well. I have worked other jobs in between, but I realized banking is my “calling” and returned to work for a bank. This March, I was a branch manager at a Carrollton location and I started working as a branch manager in Dallas last month.
Park: I have also worked at a bank for almost 20 years. I started working as a teller at a UCB Garland and worked my way up to a branch manager in 2004. I became a Carrollton branch manager on October 26th.
There was a good reason behind the reassignments of these branch managers to locations where most Koreans reside.
Yoo: Decisions of reassignments were based on the compatibility between the location and its branch managers. Actually, all five of Dallas branch managers have been reassigned. Before, Dallas location was managed by a non-Korean branch manager. It is safe to assume that I, Korean branch manager, was placed in Dallas location to focus on Korean customers. I have worked at a different bank in Harry Hines area (Korean town) for 10 years so I have vast amount of experience with Korean customers.
Park: I believe that is the case for me as well. The experience I have with Korean customers and the knowledge I have gained over the years, are the reasons that I was assigned to a branch in Carrollton where Korean population continues to grow.
Both of these managers are aware of their missions and ready to execute them. They have also mapped out a specific plan.
Yoo: The bank I worked for before UCB was a Chinese bank which catered to vast number of Indian, Pakistani, and other foreign customers. By having me as a branch manager, Hanmi Bank will absorb its clientele. Moreover, we created a loan-center in Dallas location so that customers can handle every banking business at one location.
Hanmi Bank placed ChangOh Koh(Senior VP & Commercial Lending Officer), another Korean banking expert, in charge of loan-center so that Korean customers could more conveniently receive its service. Previously, some Korean customers had hard time in the process of receiving commercial loans, business loans, and even making deposit due to its complicated guidelines. However, Hanmi loan-center have solved this issue by providing one-on-one consultation to each customer.
Park: I want our customers to think of our bank as a place where you can come in and enjoy a cup of coffee with us and talk about what’s going on in their lives; we want our customers to think of us as a friendly neighbor. I know I had been reassigned to Carrollton, where more Koreans reside than any other Asian population, so that I could take special care for Korean customers. Above all, customer service is what I am looking forward to improve more than anything else; a bank where WE approach customers and not the other way around.
The new concept of a branch manager: “Mom”
During its merging process (with UCB), Hanmi Bank has been somewhat “tied-up”. Although UCB was founded by a Korean banker, there was not a sufficient amount of attention going to Korean customers. So the process of reuniting Korean customers with the bank took quite awhile. It took a great deal of time just preparing to start over as a merged bank; assigning a new director for all branches in Texas, creating a new logo, new sign installation, assigning branch managers. Now that all of the preparation is done, they are ready to take-off; and the two ladies are about to make it happen. For starters, they are changing the definition of what it means to be a branch manager.
Yoo: I believe that branch managers need to heavily focus on “relationship”. Since I’m in charge of “community” bank, best way to expand our clientele is through relationship with customers. It’s more common to see our 1.5 and 2nd Korean generations either starting their own businesses or handed down their parents’ businesses. For them, person like me becomes very helpful. First of all, I’ve lived here long enough to understand English fluently so there isn’t going to be any language barrier. Moreover, since we share the same cultural background, we’ll be able to communicate with ease. At the same time, for our first-generation Korean customers, they won’t feel uncomfortable due to the big age gap. In a way, as a female Korean branch manager, I can provide what “moms” provide to their kids in terms of banking. If the male lenders and other staffs serve the roles of “fathers”, female branch managers like us can soothe and calm our customers like mothers do.
Park: I agree. Actually, few days ago, there Korean elderly couple came to our bank. I personally approached them and offered them some coffee and just made small talk while helping them out with their banking needs. It was a small gesture, yet they were so delighted and gave our bank so much praise. My motto is, “Help your customers until the end”. Anything that is related to banking, it is our job that each customer is completely satisfied with our service. Of course, we always have staffs ready to help our customers, but our Korean customers really appreciate it when I (who is Korean myself) personally approach them and offer to help.
One of the vital roles of these branch managers is to make sure the customers enjoy all of the services and amenities Hanmi Bank has to offer. Although online banking and mobile banking services are readily available to customers, some of the Korean customers of Hanmi still have trouble taking advantage of these convenient services. What’s the use for convenient services if customers can’t even access it conveniently? Two branch managers are doing their best at the moment to train their staffs so that they can help the customers to enjoy all of the services they offer.
They must play the role of locomotive between Korean customers and customers with other ethnic background.
Another mission that these managers need to fulfill is to expand, not only Korean clientele, but also the clientele of other ethnic groups. They have already mapped out a plan for this mission.
Yoo: 80% of our customers (Dallas branch) is Korean and the other 20% is other Asian customers (Chinese, Indian, Pakistani, etc.). One of our lenders has Indian background. Most important thing is that we need to start approaching them; instead of waiting for them to approach us. One of the things we’re going to do for our other Asian customers is that we’re going to inform them about our new promotion(s). We plan to approach our customers more actively.
Park: When I was in Garland location, I only worked inside the bank. However, in Carrollton, I plan on marketing our bank by leaving the office and “finding” the customers. Right now, 90% of our customers are Koreans, but we are going to expand our other Asian clientele. I believe that, by doing so, I’m representing Korea and Korean bank; I’m going to do everything I can to make that happen.
These two ladies were full of energy and I had no doubt that they were going to play the role of locomotive for Hanmi Bank. They said that their staffs have the exact same mindset. They’re going to work very hard and they want the Korean community to know that.
Yoo: Hanmi Bank is one of the largest banks in Los Angeles. One of the advantages we receive due to bank’s status in L.A. is that when people move to Texas from California, just because of the name “Hanmi”, they know that they’re in good hands; they trust us. Our branch will do everything to live up to customers’ expectation and bank’s reputation. I would like to add, “Have faith in us and visit our Hanmi Bank”.
Park: The stagnation we had prior to our new start was a good thing in a way; we huddle up and squat down before a very big jump. I promise one thing to our customers; once you start banking with us, we’ll do everything we can to assist you in every aspect so that you won’t even be able to imagine banking with anyone else. “I’m glad I went to Hanmi Bank” is what we are striving to hear from each one of our customers.
Hanmi’s new logo represents “cooperation”, “connection”, and “improvements”; together with customers, always improving. The logo looks like a long bridge that leads one end to the other. Just like its logo, these two branch managers will play a huge role in connecting Korean community. I believe that Hanmi Bank’s future prosperity will be brought by these two Korean branch managers.
Hanmi Bank is about to kickoff its new start. Last year, they merged with UCB and became the largest Korean bank (largest deposit reserves and the largest branch network) in Texas. To optimally serve their customers as one of the largest “community” banks in Texas, they have reevaluated and rejuvenated their 5 branches in Dallas, 3 branches in Houston, and 1 in Austin (total of 9 branches) and ready to go full-scale. One of the big changes include allocating two Korean branch managers in Dallas and Carrollton where Korean population continues to flourish.
Recently, Lynn Yoo (former branch manager of Carrollton location) was reassigned as Dallas branch manager; Insook Park (former branch manager of Garland location) was reassigned as Carrollton branch manager. There must be a reason behind this “cross-reassignment” of branch managers. This is the interview with the two Korean branch managers regarding the changes and improvements of Hanmi Bank.
“Veterans” of banking, reassigned to perform at their most optimal level.
It was certain that both of the managers were “veterans” and experts of the banking.
Yoo: I have been a branch manager since 2007. Previously, I have worked at Metro Bank for 12 years as well. I have worked other jobs in between, but I realized banking is my “calling” and returned to work for a bank. This March, I was a branch manager at a Carrollton location and I started working as a branch manager in Dallas last month.
Park: I have also worked at a bank for almost 20 years. I started working as a teller at a UCB Garland and worked my way up to a branch manager in 2004. I became a Carrollton branch manager on October 26th.
There was a good reason behind the reassignments of these branch managers to locations where most Koreans reside.
Yoo: Decisions of reassignments were based on the compatibility between the location and its branch managers. Actually, all five of Dallas branch managers have been reassigned. Before, Dallas location was managed by a non-Korean branch manager. It is safe to assume that I, Korean branch manager, was placed in Dallas location to focus on Korean customers. I have worked at a different bank in Harry Hines area (Korean town) for 10 years so I have vast amount of experience with Korean customers.
Park: I believe that is the case for me as well. The experience I have with Korean customers and the knowledge I have gained over the years, are the reasons that I was assigned to a branch in Carrollton where Korean population continues to grow.
Both of these managers are aware of their missions and ready to execute them. They have also mapped out a specific plan.
Yoo: The bank I worked for before UCB was a Chinese bank which catered to vast number of Indian, Pakistani, and other foreign customers. By having me as a branch manager, Hanmi Bank will absorb its clientele. Moreover, we created a loan-center in Dallas location so that customers can handle every banking business at one location.
Hanmi Bank placed ChangOh Koh(Senior VP & Commercial Lending Officer), another Korean banking expert, in charge of loan-center so that Korean customers could more conveniently receive its service. Previously, some Korean customers had hard time in the process of receiving commercial loans, business loans, and even making deposit due to its complicated guidelines. However, Hanmi loan-center have solved this issue by providing one-on-one consultation to each customer.
Park: I want our customers to think of our bank as a place where you can come in and enjoy a cup of coffee with us and talk about what’s going on in their lives; we want our customers to think of us as a friendly neighbor. I know I had been reassigned to Carrollton, where more Koreans reside than any other Asian population, so that I could take special care for Korean customers. Above all, customer service is what I am looking forward to improve more than anything else; a bank where WE approach customers and not the other way around.
The new concept of a branch manager: “Mom”
During its merging process (with UCB), Hanmi Bank has been somewhat “tied-up”. Although UCB was founded by a Korean banker, there was not a sufficient amount of attention going to Korean customers. So the process of reuniting Korean customers with the bank took quite awhile. It took a great deal of time just preparing to start over as a merged bank; assigning a new director for all branches in Texas, creating a new logo, new sign installation, assigning branch managers. Now that all of the preparation is done, they are ready to take-off; and the two ladies are about to make it happen. For starters, they are changing the definition of what it means to be a branch manager.
Yoo: I believe that branch managers need to heavily focus on “relationship”. Since I’m in charge of “community” bank, best way to expand our clientele is through relationship with customers. It’s more common to see our 1.5 and 2nd Korean generations either starting their own businesses or handed down their parents’ businesses. For them, person like me becomes very helpful. First of all, I’ve lived here long enough to understand English fluently so there isn’t going to be any language barrier. Moreover, since we share the same cultural background, we’ll be able to communicate with ease. At the same time, for our first-generation Korean customers, they won’t feel uncomfortable due to the big age gap. In a way, as a female Korean branch manager, I can provide what “moms” provide to their kids in terms of banking. If the male lenders and other staffs serve the roles of “fathers”, female branch managers like us can soothe and calm our customers like mothers do.
Park: I agree. Actually, few days ago, there Korean elderly couple came to our bank. I personally approached them and offered them some coffee and just made small talk while helping them out with their banking needs. It was a small gesture, yet they were so delighted and gave our bank so much praise. My motto is, “Help your customers until the end”. Anything that is related to banking, it is our job that each customer is completely satisfied with our service. Of course, we always have staffs ready to help our customers, but our Korean customers really appreciate it when I (who is Korean myself) personally approach them and offer to help.
One of the vital roles of these branch managers is to make sure the customers enjoy all of the services and amenities Hanmi Bank has to offer. Although online banking and mobile banking services are readily available to customers, some of the Korean customers of Hanmi still have trouble taking advantage of these convenient services. What’s the use for convenient services if customers can’t even access it conveniently? Two branch managers are doing their best at the moment to train their staffs so that they can help the customers to enjoy all of the services they offer.
They must play the role of locomotive between Korean customers and customers with other ethnic background.
Another mission that these managers need to fulfill is to expand, not only Korean clientele, but also the clientele of other ethnic groups. They have already mapped out a plan for this mission.
Yoo: 80% of our customers (Dallas branch) is Korean and the other 20% is other Asian customers (Chinese, Indian, Pakistani, etc.). One of our lenders has Indian background. Most important thing is that we need to start approaching them; instead of waiting for them to approach us. One of the things we’re going to do for our other Asian customers is that we’re going to inform them about our new promotion(s). We plan to approach our customers more actively.
Park: When I was in Garland location, I only worked inside the bank. However, in Carrollton, I plan on marketing our bank by leaving the office and “finding” the customers. Right now, 90% of our customers are Koreans, but we are going to expand our other Asian clientele. I believe that, by doing so, I’m representing Korea and Korean bank; I’m going to do everything I can to make that happen.
These two ladies were full of energy and I had no doubt that they were going to play the role of locomotive for Hanmi Bank. They said that their staffs have the exact same mindset. They’re going to work very hard and they want the Korean community to know that.
Yoo: Hanmi Bank is one of the largest banks in Los Angeles. One of the advantages we receive due to bank’s status in L.A. is that when people move to Texas from California, just because of the name “Hanmi”, they know that they’re in good hands; they trust us. Our branch will do everything to live up to customers’ expectation and bank’s reputation. I would like to add, “Have faith in us and visit our Hanmi Bank”.
Park: The stagnation we had prior to our new start was a good thing in a way; we huddle up and squat down before a very big jump. I promise one thing to our customers; once you start banking with us, we’ll do everything we can to assist you in every aspect so that you won’t even be able to imagine banking with anyone else. “I’m glad I went to Hanmi Bank” is what we are striving to hear from each one of our customers.
Hanmi’s new logo represents “cooperation”, “connection”, and “improvements”; together with customers, always improving. The logo looks like a long bridge that leads one end to the other. Just like its logo, these two branch managers will play a huge role in connecting Korean community. I believe that Hanmi Bank’s future prosperity will be brought by these two Korean branch managers.
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